Dear Friends at Franklin Park Baptist Church,

It’s September ! That not only means our kids and grandkids go back to school, it also means our
Sunday School and other educational opportunities here at FPBC resume after the summer break.

September 11 is a big day for us. At 9:30 a.m. our adult and youth classes begin; at 10:30 a.m. our
worship will include some special instrumental selections as well as a mixed quartet singing a familiar
patriotic song. Also, our Children’s Sunday School will take place during worship. Then at 11:30 a.m.
we’ll parade to the “Upper Room” to dedicate the newly decorated room to the glory of God. (We
anticipate several guests will be on hand for this time of dedication.)

The following Sunday, September 18, in the evening, we’ll host The Greater Cranberry Men’s
Barbershop Chorus at 7 p.m. This will be a fun event of acappella music and fellowship. (There’s an ice
cream social following the concert.) Plan now to come and be sure to invite your friends. (Note: a freewill
offering will be received for the support of next year’s Mission Trip.) Finally, we’ll begin a new
Wednesday night small group study series entitled “When Christians Get It Wrong.” This 6 week series
is described more fully elsewhere in this newsletter.

In Service to our Lord, Rev. Paul Aiello

September Calendar
September Park Bench