As we approach the middle of the summer, we have a few events still on the horizon. While I know that two of those events-Vacation Bible School and Grafton Mission Trip-don’t involve all of you, I want to encourage you all to participate anyway. How you ask? Prayer. We need you to be in prayer over these coming events. First is Vacation Bible School on July 5-7. This is the first time we have done it since the pandemic and we have no idea what to expect. Would you please be praying specifically for the leaders that the Holy Spirit would overwhelm them in their preparation and encounters with the children who will be present. Will you please pray for all the children that will be in attendance that their hearts will be open to hear the love of Jesus and to feel that love expressed through the leaders.

Secondly we have a mission trip happening on July 17-23rd. I know that this trip has happened for many years but they still need your support. I want to encourage you to pray over each of the following names specifically. Tonia Burns, Randy Dauer, Kelly Foreman, Cody Maxwell, Xander Spurling, Cheyenne Maxwell, Jayden Williams, Joe Maxwell, and Ralph Whipple.

The truth about mission trips is that when we allow for the Holy Spirit to move, crazy things can happen. When we think that our job is to go help others, sometimes we are the ones who find the help. Please join me in prayer over each one of these team members that they will see and experience the presence of God in miraculous ways during their trip. Please lift up the work and the family they are ministering to as well.

The third event on the horizon does involve you. It’s our annual Worship in the Park on August 7th. This is one of my favorite events and I hope to see people from the neighborhood joining us this year. This is an outreach event and I hope you will join me in prayer over that aspect. We want to be inviting and inclusive and what better way to do it than to take the worship outside. Would you please begin spreading the word and inviting friends to join? I would love to have the pavilion overflowing!

As you lift these events up in prayer, would you please continue praying over the leadership of the church? We want to follow God’s lead and be the best leaders we can be. This is not an easy task but with the power of the Holy Spirit and your prayers we believe there are great things in the near future. Would you join us?

Pastor Beau Gamble