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This is the only fact that is true about every person on the face of the earth . . . every one of us was born to a mother. Perhaps science will one day get around that requirement, but for now, it is a universal truth. For human life to exist as part of God’s creation, there must be mothers.

The impact of mothers effects more than just the giving of life. Mothers influence every aspect of our human existence — from what we eat, to how we are educated, to the emotional support that we receive, to the actual physical development of our brains. In fact, an online search of popular and scientific literature on the importance of motherhood produced over 69 million results!

When it comes to our religious education, most of us received our introductions to God and Jesus via our mothers. It may have been the first storybooks read to us. It may have been the first songs we heard. Perhaps being taken to Sunday School was our first introduction into the broader world.

When God chooses to gift his Son to mankind, he entrusted his Son to the care of a mother. Think of that. God entrusted his own Son to a mother. Not just for six months or a year, but for His entire life. Jesus had the care, love, and influence of his mother. We know from the Scriptures that Mary was with Jesus during his ministry and with him right up to the moment when he fulfilled the prophesies.

Like Jesus, we were entrusted to our mothers for life-giving and care. Even if that time with our mothers was brief, we received their nurture and love. Thank you, mom, for giving us your nurture and care. Thank you, God, for giving us our moms.

Yours in Jesus Christ, Scott Cunningham